5 Reasons We Love Michelle Obama

5 Reasons We Love Michelle Obama - Marjani

Photo via Philly Voice

Ladies, are you reading Michelle Obama's new book, Becoming Michelle Obama? The gems have our eyes stuck to the pages of the book! In celebration of Michelle's new book we want to share with you 5 reasons why we love this woman who truly breaks the mold!

1. She Breaks the Mold of Beautiful

When Michelle Obama first took her place a First Lady many people couldn't handle her style because she often loved to wear sleeveless shirts. She dared to try new styles as First Lady and didn't care what anyone thought about her choice of clothing. You go girl!

2. She Cares About Education

Michelle Obama recently launched the Global Girls Alliance in support of educating girls around the world. She believe that educating girls will empower communities and to do and be better. We couldn't agree more! By the way, she and only two other First Ladies have received a Masters Degrees.

3. She Works Hard

If you're reading or have read the book already, you'll find that Michelle Obama came from humble beginnings. She didn't let the obstacles and barriers stop her from becoming successful. "Instead of letting your hardships and failures discourage or exhaust you, let them inspire you. Let them make you even hungrier to succeed." - Michelle Obama

4. She Cares About Health

During Michelle's time as First Lady she promoted healthy eating in schools and promotes healthy living to combat obesity and other medical conditions. Michelle practices what she preaches as someone who enjoys working out to feel her best. She even made Barack quit smoking before he took his position as President of the United States. 

5. "When they go low, we go high!"

Enough said about this one!


Photo via Vogue.com

Our forever First Lady is amazing and continues to be an inspiration to us. We congratulate her on the release of her first book. We also hope there are more to come! What did you think about the book? What did you learn? Share with us on social media and let's discuss!


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